Is Your Company Exposed?

Errors in your Form I-9s can cost your business money! Worksite enforcement including random audits of Form I-9 by the USCIS have increased dramatically… fines for Form I-9 errors can reach into the tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars. A Form I-9 audit by Verifyi9 can save you thousands by identifying errors now, before the government shows up! It pays to have an experienced professional Form I-9 Audit Service review your forms for accuracy!
If Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE) comes calling, you will have only three days to produce the forms and related documents. When the “Notice of Inspection” is received, it will be too late to mitigate penalties for missing and incomplete forms.
After the review is complete, you will be given 10 days to correct minor, technical errors, then fined for any substantive (uncorrectable) errors and uncorrected technical errors that remain. Fines are based on the percentage of forms with errors in relation to the total number of forms. If more than half of your forms contain errors, the fine can be as high as $2,191 per incorrect form.
A Verifyi9 Form I-9 audit identifies form errors, allowing you to correct them in advance of a government inspection. Equally important, an audit of forms by a third party can be presented as evidence of a “good faith” effort to comply, one of the mitigating factors that can reduce potential fines by as much as 25%.
More importantly, an audit by Verifyi9’s Form I-9 audit service can identify deficiencies in procedure that could allow the employment of unauthorized workers. Companies found to employ unauthorized workers can be fined up to $22,000 per employee, and may be subject to debarment by ICE, meaning that the employer will be prevented from participating in future federal contracts and from receiving other government benefits. In recent years, ICE inspections have resulted in criminal charges for hiring illegal workers; not only for company owners but for managers and lower-level supervisors as well.
How our Form I-9 audit service works
Verifyi9 offers several types of I-9 audits to best suit your specific needs:
Verifyi9 I-9 experts will review up to 100 I-9s and ID copies for over 100 errors, omissions, and rule violations. At the audit’s conclusion, we will provide an itemized list of all errors and detailed guidance for correcting errors including a call to discuss our findings. ~ $16 per form; rate discounted for our E-Verify clients.
Are you a larger employer wanting to conduct an internal audit of hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands of I-9s? Our staff of experienced and knowledgeable I-9 specialists can review your forms efficiently and professionally. The review can include an assessment of your participation in the E-Verify® program.
A summary report will highlight repetitive errors, which can indicate deficiencies in company practices and procedures. The summary will also include guidance and resources for improving internal processes for completing Form I-9.
Verifyi9 can not only review your I-9s but also correct them according to Form I-9 rules and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) “best practices” for an internal audit and correction.
Are the forms stored on paper? We can come to you (and even digitize them for you)!
Verifyi9 has conducted numerous certified audits to satisfy vendor qualification for Fedex, Publix Supermarkets, Verizon, Walmart and others. Like our internal audit, you will receive a detailed assessment of each form. When you have corrected all technical errors, we will provide the required certification. Certified vendor reviews are completed quickly; often within just a day or two.
- No minimum or maximum number of forms
- Volume discounts available
- Free, no-obligation quote
- Fast turn-around
Are you a staffing company that occasionally has a client who requires certification that the workers you place on their job sites are eligible to work in the United States? A Verifyi9 certified review can provide the assurance your clients need that your placements are work-eligible.
Verifyi9 will review all or a sub-set of the Forms I-9 for the employees of a business for which you are conducting due diligence in preparation for a merger or acquisition. We will provide a detailed analysis of the employer’s I-9 practices and highlight I-9-related issues that may be cause for concern.
We welcome your additional questions about our Form I-9 audit service. Call 888-933-8374 or contact us online.
Certified Audit
- plus $75 Certification prep fee
- No minimum or maximum number of forms
- Volume discount available
- Fast turn-around
Small Business Internal Audit
- Up to 100 forms
- Self-correction
- Detailed guidance for correcting errors
- Discounted for our E-Verify clients